Statement Regarding Hamas Attack on Israel

Can We Talk at GableStage

Silver Medallion Nominations

Invitation from Coral Gables Congregational

Our Journey from MCCJ to Mosaic Miami

From battling racism as an interfaith group in the 1930s to supporting equality during the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s to helping our community heal from the turbulence of the 1980s, all the way through today’s many challenges, our organization has led the way in times when our city has most needed a voice for understanding, respect, and compassion.

Join us for our first session back featuring Dr. Nelson Adams!

Bridging Faiths

The Miracle Club

The Miracle Club

Film and Panel Discussion

Exploring Miracles

Mosaic Miami’s Interfaith Clergy Dialogue is Back in Session!

Friends, We hope you all had a wonderful summer enjoying the sun, company of family and friends, and making memories! Our first meeting for the Fall is scheduled for Thursday, September 14, 2023 at the Koubek Memorial Center. Dr. Nelson Adams will be joining us speaking on ‘Hope’. As we plan for the future of Mosaic Miami’s Interfaith Clergy Dialogue meetings we would love your input by participating in the survey linked here.

Jacksonville Shooting

Mosaic Miami grieves with our neighbors in Jacksonville after Saturday’s racist attack at a Dollar General store. A white man wearing a mask and firing a weapon emblazoned with a swastika gunned down three Black people in a horrific and senseless act of violence.